Outstanding Achievement

The Department of Mathematics of Imperial College London strives to provide an academically stimulating and challenging programme where our students can gain great mathematical understanding and analytics skills. The Undergraduate Prizes are designed to recognise students who have performed exceedingly well in their studies in the previous academic year, allowing us to celebrate some of the many outstanding students in the Department.

Prize winners are congratulated on their hard work, their attention to their studies and commitment to Imperial. 

A number of prizes are sponsored by alumni or companies; the Department thanks all donors for their generosity and support of the mathematics student body. Their recognition of the mathematics students and the work of the College is greatly appreciated, joining the Department in creating a larger network of support for students and alumni around the world. The Department welcomes new sponsorships and interested persons should contact the College Development Team or the Mathematics Undergraduate Office.


Departmental Prizes

GOVERNORS’ BSc PRIZE IN MATHEMATICS - Awarded to the best BSc student in Mathematics at their final examinations.

GOVERNORS’ MSci PRIZE IN MATHEMATICS - Awarded to the best MSci student in Mathematics at their final examinations.

FIRST YEAR PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCE - Awarded to a first year student for excellence in Mathematics.

SECOND YEAR PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCE - Awarded to a second year student for excellence in Mathematics.

TENSOR SOCIETY MATHEMATICS PRIZE - Awarded to a final year student of Mathematics for excellence In Applied Mathematics.

HYMAN LEVY MEMORIAL PRIZE - Awarded to a final year student of Mathematics for excellence in Statistics.

GERALD WHITROW PRIZE - Awarded for excellence at the final undergraduate examinations in Mathematical Physics and/or Applied Mathematics, with special reference to Relativity and the History of Mathematics.

DEREK MOORE PRIZE - Awarded for excellence in Applied Mathematics or Analytical/ Computational Mathematical Methods to a third or fourth year student of Mathematics.

CHRIS CHAMPION PRIZE - Awarded to a student of Mathematics for excellent achievement in Mathematics and Sports.

SECOND YEAR IMPROVEMENT PRIZE - Awarded to a student of Mathematics who has made the most progress in second year.

FIRST YEAR PROJECT PRIZE -  Awarded for the best poster presented by a student as their first year project.

BEST FINAL YEAR PROJECT PRIZE - Awarded for the best final year independent research project (BSc or MSci).

UROP PRIZES - Awarded for an outstanding research project produced under Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme.

LANCE WARE MENSA AWARD - Awarded for academic excellence to student of Mathematics, Biochemistry or Medicine (award rotates between departments; not awarded in Mathematics in 2022)


IMPERIAL OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD For achievement in an area other than academic work.

Sponsored Prizes

Sponsored Prizes 2022 

IBM PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCE IN PURE MATHEMATICS - Awarded to a final year student of Mathematics in recognition of high academic achievement and excellence in Pure Mathematics.

DAVID COUPS PRIZE - Awarded to first year and/or second year undergraduate students best exhibiting outstanding performance in the field of ‘computational mathematics'.

G-RESEARCH PRIZE - Awarded for academic excellence to students of Mathematics

INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS PRIZE - Membership of the Society- awarded to students of Mathematics who perform outstandingly in their final examinations.

THE KEN ALLEN PRIZES - Awarded for academic excellence.

WINTON CAPITAL SECOND YEAR PROJECT PRIZE - Awarded to the members of the best second year group project team.

ASPECT CAPITAL PRIZE - Awarded for the best final-year Pure Mathematics undergraduate student.

Prizes in Other Departments

Mathematics Prizes in Other Departments

STANLEY RAIMES MEMORIAL PRIZE - Awarded to a second year student of the Department of Physics for outstanding performance in Mathematics during their first and second year.

HENRICI MEDAL - Annual award to the student of greatest merit in Mathematics taking examinations in the Department of Engineering. 

Terms and conditions

Important information that you need to be aware of both prior to becoming a student, and during your studies at Imperial College: 

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